Wednesday, September 07, 2011

HeiMLiCH MaNeuVeR oR HuMPiNG MaNeuVeR?!

Holy crap!!!

p/s : CaT + DoG = CaTDog?

CooLeST ToaSTeR eVeR!!!

Now you can get even with Darth Vader. For real!!!

p/s : LuKe, I aM Your FaTHeR.... aND YouR ToaSTeD BreaD Too!


How come my news not like this?

p/s : WTF CNN?!

WHaT aRe THeY LooKiNG FoR iN a CoLLeGE?!

Let's roll the result...

p/s : No SuRPRiSe oN THe 24%!

HaPPy FaCe...

Say 'CHEESE'!!!

p/s : LeT's PuT a SMiLE oN THaT FaCe... :P

PiZZa GaLoRe!

 It’s the weekend, and for some of us that’s a good enough excuse to cheat on our diets. And what food makes us feel extra guilty in a good way? Pizza, and lots of it. Check out these magnificent pies and try not to get too hungry…

p/s : YuMMeH!!!